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Your guide,

Will Reeb

Knights and Armour





Last update 09/04/2001

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Check out my personal armour and some of the pieces I made for it

Calgaries Glenbow Museum, visit the galleries and see the hidden collection, never before seen photos! Added 08/22/01: a gauntlet study!

A visit to the armour galleries of the Metropolitan museum of art in New York City, Updated 08/07/2001

The Black Knight that Aurora the plastic model company used as the basis for thier kit

One of the leading armouries in North America

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The "Parade" at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City


In these pages I will endeavor to show various harnesses (the correct term for a complete "suit" of armor), individual pieces as well as photos of museum collections as well as my personal armor.

When I was a boy, a model company called Aurora made a series of models based on armor. These were "The Red Knight", "The Blue Knight", "The Silver Knight", "the Black Knight", and "The Gold Knight".

I had all of these except the Silver Knight and Gold Knight. (All of these may be found on my model pages just click on the Will's Homepage link)

These models captured my imagination, I loved reading about Knights, and visiting The Glenbow museum here in Calgary that houses an extensive collection of medieval and 19th century reproduction armor.

Personal armour

I now own my own harness (made by Valentine Armories) and do choreographed sword fight shows and hire myself out for special functions when the need arises.

I've taken the plunge and I'm learning to make armour with Rob Valentine's tutelage, the first pieces will be new larger exchange pauldrons. I'll put some pictures up of the finished product when they're done.

Glenbow Museum collection

I now through Rob Valentine have access to the stored pieces in the Glenbow Museum collection in Calgary, Canada.

I'm going to try and take as many pictures as I can and make notes to go with those pictures. I must say it is quite a thrill to actually handle these amazing works of art and wonder about the history of each one!